4 Best Reasons to Take Self-Defense Classes

How to reduce anxiety

We can guess that you’re reading this article because you want to learn self-defense, or how to protect yourself in a fight if you ever get in one. In our self-defense classes, we cover everything you need to know about self-defense, including how to position yourself, striking, blocking, and breaking free, but we also teach you about psychological skills like awareness, threat prevention, and keeping calm in high-stress situations.

We may be biased, but we believe self-defense is one of the most important skills in the world. And after reading this article, we hope you’ll agree with us! Read more to find out the 4 best reasons to take self-defense classes.


Unfortunately, This World is Unpredictable and You May Need To Protect Yourself

Self-Defense Classes

Let’s face it- after the biggest pandemic of our lifetimes, it’s clear that we have far less control than we think! We can’t count on normalcy or routine, because it could be disrupted at any time. Unfortunately, it’s just impossible to guarantee that you’ll pass each day safely and without threat.

This isn’t something to think too far into or a reason to stop you from leaving the house, but it’s necessary to reflect on from time to time, especially when you’re considering self-defense classes. We like to tell our students in our self-defense classes that self-defense is the one thing you don’t want to have to use- but if you need it, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got it.

Our martial arts classes prepare every one of all ages to handle an attack and protect themselves and their loved ones from harm, and we’re proud to be able to teach our students how to stay resilient, stay calm, and stay prepared for life’s unpredictabilities.


Protect Yourself

Self-Defense Classes

If you want to feel empowered and confident in any situation, physically speaking? Take self-defense classes. We are in no way endorsing going down dark alleys alone or pursuing a truly dangerous activity – but if you find yourself in a compromising situation and need to fight back, self-defense is absolutely critical.

At our studio, we teach intelligent self-defense classes combined with a sharp awareness of one’s surroundings and an education on how to avoid physical conflict in the first place. All of our students learn how to de-escalate conflicts and avoid them, but if an altercation gets physical, again, it’s better to have self-defense and use it than to not have that training at all.

The mental elements and the physical elements of our martial arts classes combined help you maintain physical safety and psychological awareness of threat or danger.


Protect Your Loved Ones

Self-Defense Classes

Most parents want to make sure their kids take self-defense classes and know self-defense. Especially in the unfortunate world we live in, women and daughters are more likely to be attacked, so parents want to make sure their daughters know how to keep themselves safe.

It’s important to be able to keep yourself safe, but it’s another thing entirely to be able to keep the people you love safe too. It would be heartbreaking- and it’s happened before- to feel like you could have done more if someone you loved got attacked in your presence.

It’s also critical to pass down self-defense education to your children, partners, loved ones, and community members so they can keep themselves and their family members safe if anything should happen when you’re not there to protect them.

That’s why we do what we do with our martial arts classes – to help educate the community and create an empowered population. It’s also totally probable that teaching your kids, siblings, cousins, and neighbors your new self-defense moves will inspire them to learn too!


Fitness With Purpose

Self-Defense Classes

Research has shown that self-defense classes help students feel more confident and capable in their bodies in public situations. Confidence could mean aesthetically, as you’ll build a sweat and get fit in our classes, but it also means feeling safe and secure existing in a physical space where threats or attackers can come from anywhere at any time (again- you never know what will happen).

Plus, you’re breaking a sweat every class but in a way that is purposeful, so you feel even more accomplished after every class. Training until it’s all muscle memory in our martial arts classes is a wonderful exercise in self-discipline, and understanding the importance of these skills you’re learning is so fulfilling. This is especially true for our female students, who tend to feel better being in public after they’ve learned self-defense and its benefits.

Did we convince you in our self-defense classes yet? It really is critical, and we do believe it’s one of the most important skills we can teach to our community. So all in all, the best reasons to learn self-defense go beyond just physical safety. When you learn self-defense, you’re empowering yourself and those around you to live safer lives! Check out our life-saving self-defense classes right here at our school!